
Isa’s Peanut Butter Granola Bars From Forks Over Knives Cookbook

Tonight was my second appearance at the Sid Jacobson Jewish Community Center in Greenvale, New York, and I think it went well. My presentation was about healthy | readmore


Debby Sunshine’s Appearance At The Sid Jacobson JCC

My husband takes lousy photos, but this blurry one of me clearly proves that I did complete my first public appearance last night at The Sid Jacobson Jewish | readmore


Debby Sunshine At The Sid Jacobson JCC In East Hills, NY

I just wanted to notify everyone who lives on or near Long Island that I will be appearing at the Sid Jacobson JCC, located at 300 Forest Drive in East Hills, New | readmore


How To Make A Lavender Mist With Josie Maran’s 100% Organic Argan Oil

Today was my first pick-up for this year's CSA. For those of you who don't know, CSA stands for community-supported agriculture which is a particular network of | readmore